
What are Mentions for?

  • You will quickly attract the attention of a particular interlocutor to the discussion.
  • The user will see which messages relate specifically to him.
  • Communication will become more targeted and operational.

How to Mention a User?

  1. Go to a group chat. Mentions are not provided for personal chats.
  2. In the message field, use the @ symbol. Type it manually or click the @ icon.
  3. In the list that appears, select a mention:
  4. @all — for all chat participants;
  5. @online — for all online chat participants;
  6. @name — for a specific chat participant (search is carried out by name, email and position, just start entering symbols in the input field).
  7. Click Send.

You can add one or more mentions in one message.

If the employee was mentioned in the chat and you clicked on the name of a colleague, then a brief information about him will appear. More...

How Do I Know if Someone Mentions Me?

The system will inform you about the mention:

Information about the mention comes:

  • if you are mentioned in the chat in which you are a member;
  • if you are mentioned in an open chat in which you are not a member.

When you’re mentioned in a private chat in which you are not a member, then Smarty CRM:

  • will inform about the mention if you are an administrator;
  • will not inform about the mention if you are an employee.

Smarty CRM will notify you of the mention, even:

  • when you have disabled all system notifications;
  • if your administrator has denied you access to the Messages section, but you'll see a notification of a new message instead of a mention.

How to Distinguish Chat Indicators?

If one message came to your chat:

  • with a mention, the red @ indicator of unseen mentions will be displayed;
  • without a mention, the red counter of unread messages will be displayed.

If more than one message came to your chat, including mentions, then:

  • the red @ indicator of unseen mentions will appear;
  • the red counter of unread messages, including mentions, will appear.

If you have disabled notifications in a group chat:

  • the @ indicator of unseen mentions will continue to be displayed in red;
  • the counter of unread messages will turn gray.

If you have disabled notifications in a private chat:

  • the @ indicator of unseen mentions will not appear as there are no mentions in private chats at all;
  • the counter of unread messages will turn gray.